Leggo, I'm Preggo!
Sorry I haven't written much as of late. I had been busy enjoying the summer and not really spending a lot of time on the computer. So many things have happened since the last time I wrote, like:
1. My surprise birthday party at Tibet's house thrown by Jackie in July.
2. The party I threw for Santiago, also in July.
3. The Mary J. Blige concert my darling husband took me to in early August.
4. The Sean Paul concert I took darling hubby to in late August.
5. Finding out on September 2nd that we are pregnant!!!!!
Yep folks, it's true --- Darling Hubby's lil' soldiers are motile! Not that we ever doubted it (well ok, just slightly), but it's always good to have confirmation. I don't want to jinx my pregnancy too much by talking about how lucky we are, but I do consider us blessed that we conceived the very first time we actually tried.
I'm excited and anxious all in one. On the one hand, to be a wife and mother is what I've always pictured me to be. But on the other hand, I know that having a positive pregnancy test on a stick means only that --- that I am pregnant. It doesn't ensure that we won't lose our baby at any point during our pregnancy, nor does it mean that our baby will be born healthy. Obviously, darling hubby and I are hoping and wishing for the very best, but I am cautiously optimistic.
We'll see...