As I see it...

I wonderful husband, my loving cats, my pretty stable life, courtesy, generosity, kindness, serenity, Manolo Blahnik, Neiman Marcus, M.A.C. cosmetics, our freedom, wisdom, gratitude, learning, teaching. I don't appreciate...bad-ass kids being raised by bad-ass parents, people who don't learn from their mistakes, bad odor, cheap clothes, bad tippers, women who think dick is the answer to all questions, bad designer imitations.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Thank God it's Sunday

I am so glad to have finished my weekend commitment at work. Although I had a couple of cake assignments over the weekend, I am still extremely elated that before me is a three-day stretch with no Temple, no Ercele and no patients. I plan on getting organized around the house the next couple of days starting with filing which is going to be a monumental task. Melvin and I have papers everywhere, including all of the bedrooms' closets, and it is just driving me crazy!

On Friday, Melvin and I went to dinner and movies. We had sushi at Aiko in Exton which was nice overall, but definitely not Morimoto. Afterwards, we went to see March of the Penguins --- ahh what a darling movie! It was amazing to see how these beautiful birds have survived for centuries, let alone a single winter. It was even more amazing that darling hubby was more than happy to see it with me :). Actually, I am not that surprised because Melvin is extraordinarily sensitive. I love that about him. He is not afraid to show his emotions and more importantly, never, ever afraid to talk about them. Ahhh, what a catch!