If, Part III
Just came back from picking up breakfast at Atlanta Bread Bakery and I'm still not quite ready to begin writing my paper. So I figured I'd post more "If" questions and answers.
If you could have permanent possession of any single object in the world, what would you want it to be?

If you could have had the starring role in one film already made, which movie would you pick?
The "Kill Bill" trilogy for sure. I would have loved to have trained for all those fight scenes, reportedly all done by Uma with zero help from any stunt doubles. Some of the filming was also done in China and Japan and I think I would've enjoyed that.
If you could return for one year to one age in your life, knowing what you know now, to relive that year as you wish, which year would you go back to?
Most definitely 2002 when I was 29. I think I had the most fun that year in that age and knowing what I know now, I could certainly make that year even more fun.
If you had to identically repeat any single year of your life to date, without changing a thing, which year would you relive?
1984. That year, my family came to live here in America, I first met my grandfather and most of my cousins and got reacquainted with my grandmother and my cousin Frank.
If you could be sculpted by any artist in history, who would you choose?
Fredric Remington. I know he mostly did Western-themed sculptures and nothing about me is associated with the wild, wild West, but I think I would look totally rad in bronze done by him.
If you were to have your entire wardrobe designed for you by a single cloting designer for the rest of your life, who would you select?
Tom Ford. I've admired him for a long time and have enjoyed his work for Gucci. His designs look wearable and has an urban edge to them which I just love.
If you were to be stranded forever on a desert island and could have only one book to read, which would you want?
It would have to be a book with thousands of pages (I'll be on the island forever, remember?) and covered a lot of different topics (so I won't get bored) so it would be a volume of "The Encyclopedia Britannica".
If you could say one sentence to the current pope, what would it be?
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