As I see it...

I wonderful husband, my loving cats, my pretty stable life, courtesy, generosity, kindness, serenity, Manolo Blahnik, Neiman Marcus, M.A.C. cosmetics, our freedom, wisdom, gratitude, learning, teaching. I don't appreciate...bad-ass kids being raised by bad-ass parents, people who don't learn from their mistakes, bad odor, cheap clothes, bad tippers, women who think dick is the answer to all questions, bad designer imitations.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Insomnia - A Good Reason To Write Again

It's 5 past 1 and I am still very much awake. My insomnia must be back again, or perhaps this could be the result of me taking a nap this afternoon. I don't know what it is, but lately I have needed to take naps in the middle of the day. Even at work, I try to get a nap in. Lately though I have been getting so dogged at work that I haven't been able to take an entire hour for lunch. I mean, I know I'm entitled to it and really I am a fool for not using it, but it's not courteous to leave another nurse to care for your patient who is really busy. I wouldn't like it done to me, so I don't do it to others.

Having been assigned such crappy patients at work has really turned me off to picking up extra time. I really should because it's never nice to turn down money (and lots of it), but goodgoddarn I really have been getting dogged lately! If I'm not taking care of F.F.F.F. (Frequently Flippen' Fat F*ck --- darling hubby's nickname for Mr. G) and another patient who is either crappen' every hour, on 4-point restraints and STILL able to climb out of bed, a fresh trauma, or sh*t, all of the above, I'm sure to have a patient on 1:1. This kind of patient is so sick, he or she is only assigned to one nurse. Ang guess what folks? That nurse is 9 out of 10 times me. I don't know what I have ever done to piss my co-workers, but darn if they don't love to give me the crappiest assignments!

This one particular nurse, we'll call him F.B. (Fag Boy --- Jackie's nickname for this flaming homosexual at work), especially loves to torture me. For instance, 3 weeks ago he gave me this 1:1 patient, a male multiple GSW (gun shot wound). When I received him, he was on 2 pressors, on 100% FiO2 on the vent, receiving multiple blood products and basically sick as sh*t. He was so sick and unstable that instead of going to the OR, the OR came to him. Yep folks, I became an OR nurse with about 30 minutes notice. Now, I've received post-op patients many times before and had an idea what goes on in the OR. Or so I thought. When faced with that situation, I felt helpless. I felt like I was totally not in control of my environment and was this close to crying. Every second, someone was barking out an order at you and I just felt like I couldn't keep up. To make matters worse, Drs. Bradley, Santora and Pathak (3 of our 4 SICU attendings) were all in the room! Talk about working under pressure here. In the end, I survived and learned a great deal from that experience, but dang if I didn't hate my job that day!

Well, I feel sleepiness creeping up on me. I'm going to bid adieu for now, but promise to write more later...


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