As I see it...

I wonderful husband, my loving cats, my pretty stable life, courtesy, generosity, kindness, serenity, Manolo Blahnik, Neiman Marcus, M.A.C. cosmetics, our freedom, wisdom, gratitude, learning, teaching. I don't appreciate...bad-ass kids being raised by bad-ass parents, people who don't learn from their mistakes, bad odor, cheap clothes, bad tippers, women who think dick is the answer to all questions, bad designer imitations.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Be Nice, Marc

What are you pissed off about, Marc? Anything? Everything? I hear you, man. I'm feeling like that right about now too.

I was told by that darling hubby of mine that I had an appointment with my rehab doc today. Not that kind of rehab, kitties. It's for my ankle. The same ankle which is the reason I am still on medical leave. Anyway, I called for directions and I was informed that they had never heard of me! I had no appointment with their office! Arrrgghhh! What does this mean? Well, it means I'll have to wait until Thursday for when I see my podiatrist to see when I can return to work. This shit sucks balls.


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